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Holland Laboratories

Holland Laboratories


Dr. Swanson

“I tried your product Taxi for cleaning my dentures. I used it and reuse it in my denture cup with results that are unreal. They are white like new in less than 30 minutes. I used those effervescent cleaners for years and then had to brush with baking soda to get stains off afterwards. I'm a satisfied customer for life. Please reorder 1 4oz bottle Taxi.”

Best Regards.

Jessica B, Ma

Holland Laboratories

“We used your product Taxi-Prep for cleaning dentures before making repairs. This product has excellent results in a sonic bath and to sterilize before working with. Please ship and bill 1gal. Thanks!”

Fred H.

Orlando Dentures Orlando, Fl

Dear Sir

“Please send me 2 more bottles of Taxi-Groom. My new veterinarian says he had heard of this product, but never tried it for cleaning of dog teeth. My old Veterinarian recommended it to me. I've used it for 15yrs on my show dog and highly recommend it for quick professional results. He wants to try it.”

Jim D. St. Louis, MO

To Whom it May Concern

“My Dentist (Dr. Rashid) recommended I try your product Taxi and gave me your e-mail to order direct. I have had a problem for years with plaque buildup and tarter stains as I'm a smoker. I am fascinated with the immediate results of Taxi. If more people new of the wonderful results, of this product I'm sure it would be on every shelf. Please send me another bottle of Taxi, I've enclosed my check.”

Betty S. Denver, CO

I’m a Dental Hygienist and worked in an office that kept Taxi on hand for cleaning dentures and partials.  I've worked in a different office for the last 15 yrs, no Taxi and sure do miss it. I was excited to find I could order it on the internet My mother has dentures and I have or tho retainers, Can't wait to make them sparkle again. Sincerely, 

Neta N.

Dr Swanson,

Many thanks for your product Taxi-Groom. I've used it for over 30 years on pets with great results. What used to take an hour of cleaning is now down to a matter of minutes. Simple to use and I recommend its use to all my pet owners. Please ship and bill 2 dozen Taxi-groom.

S.J. Fluty DVM

Las, Vegas, NV

My name is Dr Jeff Davidson and I practise general dentistry in St. Louis, MO. I am the third generation dentist in this office and i practise with my son who is the fourth generation. We now have used Taxi products for over three generations and appreciate the effectiveness of the product. We use it to clean teeth, partials, dentures, ortho appliances and instruments (as a sanitizer). Taxi works wonderful and we will continue to use it. Please re-supply with 2 dozen4 oz., and bill

Jeff Davidson DDS

St Louis, MO

I have show dogs and was given a bottle of your product called Taxi-Groom at a dog show in New York, last year and it worked beyond expectations. Simply said i want more. Please advise how to order. I want 1 dozen 1oz bottles of Taxi Groom. Will give credit card info for charges on request.

M.J Odell

4070 Center St. W. Virginia, USA

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